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IEF-Pillsbury roundtable: Cybersecurity in the Global Energy Sector

Washington DC, USA

Cybersecurity is fast becoming one of the most important issues for the global energy sector. Owing to the interconnectedness of national and international energy systems, the potential of cyber-theft on intellectual and industrial property, or a disruption that affects not only one country but spreads to others, is more real than ever. It has therefore become increasingly important that governments and companies develop comprehensive strategies to strengthen their safety and security protocols in the digital realm. 

The IEF and law firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP organised a one-day event in Washington DC entitled "Cybersecurity in the Global Energy Sector", wherein roughly 100 participants sought to explore developing US and international policy trends and standards in the cybersecurity field, along with private sector solutions. Featured speakers at the event included the Honourable William C Ostendorff, Commissioner of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Joseph H McClelland, Director of the Office of Energy Infrastructure Security at the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC); Chad Fulgham, former Chief Information Officer of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation; and thought-leaders from the Atlantic Council, IBM, Mandiant Corporation, Marsh, Protiviti, Red Owl Government Analytics, Wipro, and numerous other companies and government agencies.

An IEF Dialogue Insights report is available for download below. Please also take time to review our new Cybersecurity portal to access papers, websites and news items on this fast-evolving topic.

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